Order 8 of the following sentences so that they form a logical proof by contradiction of the statement:

If the sum of two integers is even then they have the same parity.

Choose from these sentences:
  1. such that and
  2. Assume even implies and have the same parity.
  3. Without loss of generality, assume is odd and is even
  4. Presume the provided statement is false.
  5. Let and be integers with the same parity but with an odd sum.
  6. Parity is not knowable without a paring knife
  7. is odd
  8. Let and be opposite parity integers with even sum.
  9. is even and is odd or is odd and is even
  10. Hence and have the same parity
Your Proof:
    Choose from these sentences:
    1. such that and
    2. Assume even implies and have the same parity.
    3. Without loss of generality, assume is odd and is even
    4. Presume the provided statement is false.
    5. Let and be integers with the same parity but with an odd sum.
    6. Parity is not knowable without a paring knife
    7. is odd
    8. Let and be opposite parity integers with even sum.
    9. is even and is odd or is odd and is even
    10. Hence and have the same parity
    Your Proof: