Any population, , for which we can ignore immigration, satisfies For organisms which need a partner for reproduction but rely on a chance encounter for meeting a mate, the birth rate is proportional to the square of the population. Thus, the population of such a type of organism satisfies a differential equation of the form This problem investigates the solutions to such an equation.

(a) Sketch a graph of against . Note when is positive and negative.
when is in
when is in
(Your answers may involve a and b. Give your answers as an interval or list of intervals: thus, if dP/dt is less than zero for P between 1 and 3 and P greater than 4, enter (1,3),(4,infinity).)

(b) Use this graph to sketch the shape of solution curves with various initial values: use your answers in part (a), and where is increasing and decreasing to decide what the shape of the curves has to be. Based on your solution curves, why is called the threshold population?

If , what happens to in the long run?

If , what happens to in the long run?

If , what happens to in the long run?