The graph shows a logarithmic function for which you can adjust the base and the input values.
For instance you can set the base to and the input to so you can evaluate
  1. What power of gives you
  2. What power of gives you
  3. What power of that gives you
  4. What power of that gives you
    The power of that gives you
  5. Which value is greater or
    The greater value is
Notice the graph only appears to the right of the y-axis. This is because the y-axis is a vertical line at and we know the domain of a logarithmic function is
The -axis is a vertical asymptote. It represents that the outputs increase toward infinity as decreases toward zero.
Notice the graph has negative and positive outputs and zero output. Those represent the range of the function.
Finally, notice that the bigger the base value, the more closely the graph “hugs” the horizontal axis